See-Saw Combo Jungle Gym

Please note that the above price excludes VAT, Delivery Charges, and ay extras that you may have requested!

SKU: N/A Category:

Ladder, Platform and Canopy with 3m Slide, barrel and Steering Wheel. Tyre Swing, Trapeze Bar, See-Saw, Commando Net, Basket Ball Ring, Monkey Rope, Climbing Bars.
Steel Slide:                       Purchase price R 6000.00
Fibreglass Slide:             Purchase price R 7000.00
Fibreglass Wave Slide:  Purchase price R 7000.00

Please note that the above price excludes VAT, Delivery Charges, and ay extras that you may have requested!

Additional information


Steel Slide (Purchase Only), Fibreglass Slide (Purchase Only), Fibreglass Wave Slide (Purchase Only)